T-Mobile, Roztyly

T-Mobile, Roztyly

Sales and administration complex Roztyly II built by Skanska CZ, a.s. It currently serves as headquarters of T-mobile.

Při realizaci stavby v létě 2003 zde naše firma řešila ochranu vnějších ploch proti vzniku námrazy v zimním období, ochranu odvodňovacího systému těchto ploch proti zamrznutí a ochranu potrubí klimatizačních jednotek proti zamrznutí v případě odstávky. Rozsah celého díla spočíval ve: 

During the work on this contract in the summer 2003 our company solved the protection of external surfaces from ice deposition in winter, protection of the dehydration systems from freezing and the protection of air-conditioning tubing from freezing during shutdowns. The entire contract consisted of:

  • a solution proposal
  • material supply
  • installation
  • preparing project documentation with installation results
  • putting the object into operation, service personell training

The OAA Roztyly II site project used a 4500 m and 110 kW resistance heating cable KYCY to heat external surfaces. This cable has been installed sinto the concrete layer on the entrance driveway of the underground garage and the bottom concrete layer of pedestrian bridges (these are tiled). To protect the pipes, we used a self-regulating heating cable FSG/TP 25 with 200 m installed and 5 kW output. The contract included the installation of a power source and power distribution for the heating cables.

back to: Heating cables – references

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New telephone numbers

In the context of innovating the ICT we made the transition to IP telephony. This is associated with the changes in our brno land lines. The main number is (+420) 537 020 911. Please refer directly to our specialists, who handle the individual sections of our activities. You may find their contacts in the Contacts section or at the individual applications on this site.