I&C for alternative energy sources

The need to protect the environment forces us to seek economical sources of energy. In building control this results in increased requirements for effective utilization of alternative energy sources.

To deliver the required ecological and economic effect, heat pumps, biomass combustion energy sources, solar systems and ground collectors must always work in synergy with other sources of energy and in optimal operating conditions. However, common operational and control setups are not always applicable to this kind sof technology. There is space and need for new ICT technologies. Synergy of various renewable sources of heat can be seen on the grounds of the ROVYNA company in Rojšín.


Čapí hnízdo farm

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Ing. Oldřich Jakl, jakl(at)revos.cz
(+420) 537 020 905, (+420) 728 386 182

Ing. Radomír Fireš, fires(at)revos.cz
(+420) 537 020 902, (+420) 602 741 608

Ing. Petra Hamanová, hamanova(at)revos.cz
(+420) 537 020 902, (+420) 724 067 066

Ordering heating cables and I&C

Jaroslav Vaňo, objednavky(at)revos.cz
(+420) 537 020 905, (+420) 721 077 620