I&C for CPH

As early as the beginning of the 90s, our workers have participated in the construction of control systems of centrally-provided heat (CPH) in many cities in the Czech Republic.

This technology includes heat source control, systems of hot water and steam distribution, including relay stations, as well as heat distribution to individual heat-consuming objects, such as local heating stations in houses and appartments. To function properly, heat distribution systems must have well designed hydraulic components and appropriate operational management. This can be achieved by a proper control and regulation system. To function in this setting, the control system must include a range of direct and electrical servomechanical valves and communicate easily with all central heat sources.

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In the beginning of the 90s, in cooperation with Danfoss and IWKA companies in Týn nad Vltavou, we chose the control system TREND exactly for these purposes.


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Contact us



Ing. Oldřich Jakl, jakl(at)revos.cz
(+420) 537 020 905, (+420) 728 386 182

Ing. Radomír Fireš, fires(at)revos.cz
(+420) 537 020 902, (+420) 602 741 608

Ing. Petra Hamanová, hamanova(at)revos.cz
(+420) 537 020 902, (+420) 724 067 066

Ordering heating cables and I&C

Jaroslav Vaňo, objednavky(at)revos.cz
(+420) 537 020 905, (+420) 721 077 620